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Legislative Leaders Forum
March 14, 2025, Crowne Plaza
SACRI Monitoring the Trump Funding Freeze
Working with Coalition Partners and Congressional Delegation to Provide Accurate Information
Providence, RI – The Trump Administration’s recent decision to freeze federal funding, including previously appropriated funds, has created confusion and angst in the aging and disability world, as well as throughout the human services space. At SACRI we have taken the last 24 hours to gather information, review respected reporting and provide guidance for our constituents.
· The Stay - According to the A.P. a federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked the freeze. The Judicial order, issued by U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan, blocked the funding freeze before it was to take effect. Another court hearing is scheduled for Monday to further consider the issue(s).
· The Potential Impact- The New York Times has published a comprehensive overview of potential impact- HERE Which Federal Programs Are Under Scrutiny? The Budget Office Named 2,600 of Them. - The New York Times
o Scroll to the Dept Health Human Services information and observe the programs that provide funding for many OHA grants
(Support services, caregivers respite, elder abuse, dementia, programs, ombudsman, etc.). SACRI finds this could severely impact the Office of Healthy Aging Budget.
· Moving Ahead – SACRI will continue to monitor and update, as needed. As well as working with the various coalition partners and the Congressional Delegation to be solution driven.
· SACRI’s Ask- If you have are and older adult or an adult with disabilities, a caregiver, a concerned loved one or a person upset by these developments, could you take a minute complete a survey as we collect real human data regarding the current developments. SURVEY LINK
"The recent developments regarding the potential freeze on federal funding is not just a bureaucratic and political issue—it may be a direct threat to our most vulnerable populations," said Carol Anne Costa SACRI, Executive Director “ We will monitor this closely and provide updates as the court hearings proceed on Monday.
SACRI emphasizes that this funding freeze if allowed to go forward, impacts everyone, regardless of background or political affiliation. Programs supporting aging individuals and people with disabilities do not discriminate—they serve as a lifeline for families, caregivers, and entire communities across Rhode Island.
This week is an important one for budget negotiations in Congress, and with so much on the table, the Protect Our Healthcare Coalition (which SACRI is a part of) is working with national partners on a NATIONAL CALL-IN to PROTECT MEDICAID. The goal is to (1) generate calls t
This week is an important one for budget negotiations in Congress, and with so much on the table, the Protect Our Healthcare Coalition (which SACRI is a part of) is working with national partners on a NATIONAL CALL-IN to PROTECT MEDICAID. The goal is to (1) generate calls to members of Congress (both Democrats and Republicans) to oppose and Medicaid funding cuts and (2) educate the public about how important Medicaid is.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: This Thursday (Feb 6th) DIAL THIS NUMBER -- 866-426-2631 -- to connect with your own members of Congress. The core message to send our RI Delegation is "stand firm against cuts to Medicaid" See the sample 'call script' below
"Medicaid covers seniors needing long-term services such as nursing homes and home care. Right now, Congress is trying to cut $2.3 trillion from Medicaid. That would mean abandoning our seniors and harm the health and financial well-being of Rhode Islanders of all ages. Please FIGHT HARD AGAINST MEDICAID CUTS!"
The above number will ask you your address and connect you to your member of Congress but is only good on Thursday, Feb. 6th.
Please view the PPT presentation on the VBH progress in 2024
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Kathleen McKeon, Chair
Michael Cassidy, Vice- Chair
Rose Andriole , Secretary
Kamila Barzykowski, Treasurer
Linda A’Vant-Deishinni, Director
Deborah Burton, Director
Diane Santos, Director
Guia Sanchez, Director
Robert Cox, Director
Terry Fogerty, Director
Jeanne Gattegno, Director
Vincent Marzullo, Director
Susan Saccoccia-Olson, Director
Charlene F. Traynum, Director
Carol Anne comes to SACRI from a lengthy career in public service, including working in the Raimondo Administration and most recently as the Constituent Service Coordinator for the RI Office of Attorney General. She gained valuable institutional knowledge at the state and federal levels in positions including Superior Court Clerk in the Rhode Island Judiciary and heading the Court’s Education Initiative, Justice Rules; Executive Director of National Utility Contractors of RI (NUCARI) and her managerial role at the Johnston Housing Authority.
“Inspiring people to think, act, and advocate in their own best interest is something I believe in deeply, but more, something I do well. I am eager to begin to mobilize people, achieve legislative power, and improve the quality of life for older Rhode Islanders through effective advocacy.”
Carol was a contributing writer and photographer for The Valley Breeze and The Rhode Island Catholic, and a Mindsetter columnist for GoLocal Media.
Carol earned a Bachelor of Arts from Rhode Island College, holds certifications in public housing and education, and is an inductee of the RI Tennis Coaches Hall of Fame and recipient of the Governor John Notte Award for public access programming.
Karen Hollands comes to SACRI from her role as Data Base Administrator for the Diocese of Providence. Karen also heads up administration and operations of the Liverpool International Soccer academy. She is proficient in property management and real estate closing support. Karen holds various certifications in data base management. Karen
Karen Hollands comes to SACRI from her role as Data Base Administrator for the Diocese of Providence. Karen also heads up administration and operations of the Liverpool International Soccer academy. She is proficient in property management and real estate closing support. Karen holds various certifications in data base management. Karen enjoys volunteering and mentoring. She is a tremendous asset to the Senior Agenda Coalition of RI.
Maureen Maigret, RN, BS, MPA, is a consultant to the Senior Agenda Coalition on long term care and elder services policy. Maureen brings a wealth of both policy and political expertise to her work. She has served as Director of the RI Department of Elderly Affairs, a 5-term elected State Representative
Maureen Maigret, RN, BS, MPA, is a consultant to the Senior Agenda Coalition on long term care and elder services policy. Maureen brings a wealth of both policy and political expertise to her work. She has served as Director of the RI Department of Elderly Affairs, a 5-term elected State Representative from Warwick, and Policy Director for former Lt. Governor Charles Fogarty.
Ms. Maigret worked as a registered nurse in various health care settings for twenty years prior to her positions in state government. She has received awards from numerous organizations for her leadership in public policy and advocacy. Maureen also consults with a number of other organizations on matters of long term care.
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